
What's Coming Up at ManchesterThe数字 at a glance | December 2023

新更新| 2023年12月


  • 你可以如何帮助塑造未来的劳动力和我们地区的持续繁荣.
  • How we are supporting 创业公司 in 2024.
  • Ways to meet other members - Ecommerce 2024 announced! 
  • Ways you can share your insights with the community. 
  • How to get the most out of your hiring.
  • 所有正在发生的事情!


你能帮忙吗? 为塑造未来的劳动力和本地区的持续繁荣做出贡献?

的 2024 Digital 技能审计 provides critical insights into our local talent that inform workforce development programs. 你的回答是 direct input on the skills needs and gaps facing regional employers. 

的 报告有助于告知那些帮助创造提升技能机会的人 and reskilling that meet local workforce demands and will impact your 招聘. You can contribute by completing the below survey. 

We know your time is limited, so we've kept the surveys concise at 10 分钟. Consider forwarding internally to a HR leader or your senior manager able to complete the Audit if not the right contact.

  1. 面向商业领袖(涵盖:商业信心、招聘、技能差距等).  
  2. 人力资源专业人士 (Covering Demographics, L&D). 

As 作为额外奖励,我们将向Fare分享 Greater 十大网博靠谱平台捐赠500英镑 which does vital work combatting food poverty and food waste in and 在我们城市周围. We'll also draw a winner at random from everyone who 完成技能审核的学生将能够向慈善机构捐赠500英镑 of their choosing in their or their organisation's name.


每一个 完整的调查有助于直接确保我们的研究和未来的项目 address employer and talent needs across the region. 我们非常 感谢您的贡献.




启动激活器将为企业提供一个公正和不加修饰的创业景观视图,并介绍所有计划, 在大十大网博靠谱平台地区提供投资和支持. 

Read the Startup Review report here. 

Are you an early-stage Startup Founder? 

十大网博靠谱平台 Digital's 启动激活 will help startups in the Greater 十大网博靠谱平台 region maximise success, taking you from idea to early traction stage with all the knowledge and resources you need to 蓬勃发展. 

的 programme will include exclusive founder network meetups, 研讨会 and access to an active supportive community which includes investors, trusted professional service support and more. 

澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 启动激活器 today

你能帮助创业公司吗?? 我们在寻找合作伙伴. 


联系 凯特.wilson@lyhqyx.com 讨论




Our 2024 事件 Calendar is now live!

Jot these dates down in your diary to make sure you don't miss out!


Digital 技能节 2024: Conference Day

Mon, 5 Feb 2024 | 13:00 - 18:15 | No1 Circle Square

十大网博靠谱平台数字的数字技能节将与我们的会议日一起启动, bringing together industry experts, 来自整个行业的思想领袖和主要利益相关者参加了一个下午的小组讨论, 在我们讨论影响行业的一些关键挑战和趋势时,会谈和交流机会.



Tue, 6 Feb 2024 14:00 - 16:00 | No1 Circle Square

提供学徒为你的组织和整个行业提供了惊人的好处, but starting that process can sometimes feel daunting.


Connect with other businesses who share your values, ask your most pressing questions and get inspired by empowering & employing the next generation of tech talent.


Digital 技能节 2024: 数字她 Day

Thu, 8 Feb 2024 13:00 - 18:30 | No1 Circle Square

我们的“数字她”节目将在2024年数字技能节的周四成为焦点, 精彩讲座, 研讨会 & 科技界女性小组.

其中包括主题演讲 & panel discussions led by industry leaders, lightning talks by members our community of Role Models, 培训课程, 谈话咖啡馆 & the creation of a 数字她 Pledge for a more equitable future.


数字她 Inspiration Breakfast: International Women's Day 2024

2024年3月8日(星期五)09:30 - 11:30 

在我们为艾达·洛夫蕾丝日举办的灵感早餐的基础上, we’re bringing this event back to celebrate International Women’s Day!

期待一个充满鼓舞人心的想法和有意义的联系的充满活力的国际妇女节的开始, focussing on the IWD theme of 2024: Inspire Inclusion.


ManchesterThe数字 Tech Leader Talks

2024年3月7日(星期四)09:00 - 10:30

十大网博靠谱平台数字的技术领袖会谈为西北地区大型数字和技术企业的高级领导人提供了与其他c级个人交流的机会, share best practices and make new connections.

本次活动将以早餐联谊会议的形式举行,随后是一个问答环节 & A. 的 morning will include a light breakfast for all attendees, refreshments and an Industry Insight session.



Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:00 - 17:00 | No1 Circle Square

十大网博靠谱平台 Digital prides itself on its relationships with ecommerce brands, agencies and suppliers both from in and out of our membership. 这些 brands attend our regular industry events.

这是一个激动人心的时刻 for ecommerce companies in 十大网博靠谱平台. 这个城市的零售科技产业 has seen phenomenal growth in the number of online retailers establishing offices in the city and in recent years it has developed 这里是电子商务初创企业最集中的地方 英国.

We look forward to welcoming guests to Circle Square as 我们讨论了最新的趋势、挑战和影响的技术 这个创新和重要的部门.



每个星期二, 我们在社交媒体渠道和十大网博靠谱平台数字招聘板的群组中分享了招聘板的综述,让求职者发现新的职位. 

If you are recruiting, let us know!

Digital 技能节 2024: Talent Day

2024年2月7日(星期三)10:00- 16:00

人才日是为那些在未来1 - 2年内招聘早期职业人士并希望在毕业生面前崭露头角的企业举办的活动, 换工作等等. 


我们最后的人才日吸引了超过1800人报名,是西北地区最大的职业博览会. If you’d like to exhibit at this year's talent day, 在这里找到更多信息

Let me know if you would like to send over more details.


ManchesterThe数字 Apprenticeship Academy


  • 软件开发
  • 业务分析
  • 数据分析

我们为会员提供灵活的在线高质量学徒培训, 无论你是想提升现有员工的技能,还是想雇佣新的多元化人才. We provide a free 招聘 support service for this too. 如果你是中小企业, 我们可以帮助您获得资金,以支付与我们的学徒培训费用.

Ready to recruit, join the programme or just want to know more? Speak to our Head of Talent and Skills now: emma@lyhqyx.com 


We can now support your international growth. 

我们很高兴地宣布,我们可以帮助支持会员充分利用他们可以获得的全球机会. If you’re looking at international growth, 市场的扩张, 节约成本, 法规遵从性, or generally interested in overseas markets, 那就让我知道. 

这是通过与桑坦德银行Navigator平台的合作伙伴关系以及十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的成员关系实现的, 您将免费获得Santander Navigator上的“Prepare”订阅包, 节省1英镑,800 on the standard cost for this level of subscription.



作为会员, 你现在可以获得折扣会员资格在本地俱乐部为那些访问伦敦-参加他们的独家会员活动, 社区, 设施包括35间卧室, 会议室, 休息室, 酒吧, 阳台, 活动空间等.



Wider 社区 events coming up posted by members

